sign and banner®

Foam PVC Signs,
Ultra-Board Signs,
Gator-Board Signs
foam pvc signs
Foam Polyvinyl Chloride (now you know why we call it pvc) is a
closed-cel, smooth plastic sheet. Like all plastics, it is water-proof.
Unlike other foam sheets like foamboard, Ultra-board® and
Gator-board®, foam pvc, also known by its brand name Sintra®,
can be used outdoors. For those who do not like the corrugations
of coroplast, foam pvc is right for you.

ultra-board foam signs
Unlike its paper-topped cousin Foamboard, Ultraboard, also known as Gatorboard, is styrene plastic-topped with foam sandwhiched in the middle giving it extreme durability. It's strong yet lightweight..
* up to 48" x 96" white on white in 3/16" 1/2" 3/4", 1"
* up to 60" x 120" white on white in 3/16" only.
* up to 48" x 96" black on black in 3/16" 1/2", 1"
* up to 48" x 96" white/black/black in 3/16" 1/2" 3/4", 1"
* ask for availability
perfect for:
interior permanent displays and signs
dimensional routed letters and graphics
upright meter-boards
lobby / hallway signs